Reverse Osmosis/Desalination System

Reverse Osmosis/Desalination System

Reverse Osmosis based plant commonly known as RO system,  is used commonly for converting bore well/ tanker water to be treated to Drinking/ Process water standards. The technology usage makes desalination (or removing salts from saline water) possible. RO is as well used for recycling treated wastewater. Most packaged water plants (commonly known as Mineral water plants) utilize RO technology to convert bore water to drinking water standards.

Besides industrial RO plants TROPICAAL WATERS possess expertise in designing & installing Domestic RO plants starting from 10 liters per hour onwards. Pls. pick your choice from our various model images.

Our institutional RO models starting from 20 liters per hour to 50 liters per hour could be directly connected to existing water coolers to ensure Clean Drinking Water irrespective of the source of raw water.

We have replaced expensive 20 liter jars at various locations by installing RO plants not only in residential & office complexes but also remote sites where drinking water is invariably a cause of concern.

Pls. contact for Case Study of some clients who have been benefited accordingly.

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Reverse Osmosis based Plant 1

Reverse Osmosis Based Plant