Products and Services

We offer various products and services to meet your requirement


Packaged Drinking Water Plant

  • TWS offers turnkey solution in setting up Mineral Water Plant which includes:

  • Designing Plant Layout, Plant capacity & Product Mix combination.

  • RO plant installation with SS pipe line & Ozonation for enhancing shelf-life of treated water.

  • Packaging machines identification & installation.

  • Identifying vendors for setting up Lab.

  • Assistance with BIS documentation, fee structure and final attainment of certificate.

Click on image to enlarge

Mineral-Water Bottle Plant Machine

Mineral-Water Bottle Plant Machine


Ultra Filtration System

Commonly known as UF, it is a semi-permeable membrane which does not allow suspended solids and solutes of high molecular weight to pass through. UF primarily finds its application in treating drinking water & wastewater, food industry and dialysis units.

Tropicaal Waters India Pvt. Ltd. has successfully utilized UF technology to treat wastewater for cooling tower and related applications both in our STP & ETP installations.

    Click on image to enlarge

Ultra Filtration System being fabricated

Ultra Filtration System under fabrication